The Fallacy of “Natural”

Look carefully at the facebook screenshot below.


I could not have planned the spot-on irony of this little gem from my facebook feed any better.  By mere coincidence, these two posts appeared one after the other.

I could not resist!

Below is a link to the Genetic Literacy Project article and Ted Talks video mentioned above:

The Fallacy of Natural Food:  “Waiter, there’s a gene in my soup!”

Now if we could just get the folks who “liked” the first post to read the second post, we might be getting somewhere.  Notice the difference in likes and shares between the two.  The Boycott GMOs article:  277 likes, 67 shares.  The Genetic Literacy Project article:  12 likes, 1 share.

Here is an excerpt from the Genetic Literacy Project article:

Have you ever seen a “real” banana? Did you know that Kiwis are a twentieth century creation? Despite what the movies would have you believe, Cleopatra never savored a strawberry — strawberries were created artificially long after she died.

Many “natural”  foods were, quite literally, invented. The line between “natural” and “artificial” in our food — central to the green movement’s rejection of genetically modified crops and livestock — is murky at best.   Read more.

~Julee K

4 responses to “The Fallacy of “Natural””

  1. isn’t there a difference when an insecticide or pesticide gene is being introduced vs a hybridization? I’ve been viewing your site and am not clear if you support GMO or don’t support GMO. I believe certain uses as you mention for medical purposes is completely different from inserting and insecticide or pesticide gene into our food source. Maybe i misconstrue?

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