New Free Ebook Talks Real Sense About GMOs – Great Stocking Stuffer!

The Lowdown on GMOs - Compiled by Fourat JanabiThe Lowdown on GMOs According to Science

If you click on the link above, download it and read it, you are sure to discover a book that is truly a collection of reader-friendly sense among a burgeoning pool of nonsense.  Penned by a bevy of different authors, most of whom are scientists but including a few regular folks such as yours truly, the book presents many points of view, all of which are rational and pro-science.  This collection is a service to humanity and costs you nothing but a few minutes of download time.

No hype.  No sensationalism.  No propaganda.  Just the facts as observed, known or experienced by the writers.  Fourat has done us a favor by making this collection available from one source.  Download it today.  You can print it and put it in the stocking of that pesky anti-GMO cousin who annoys you with talk of Vendana Shiva and Jeffrey Smith.  Have the information at the ready on your smart phone.  You’ll be armed with good information when and if the “GMO” word arises at any of the coming seasonal gatherings.

Here is the link again:  The Lowdown on GMOs According to Science

Fourat will always be a beacon for me personally because as a former anti-GMO blogger, it was his excellent blog, Random Rationality, his Q & A with Dr. Kevin Folta (also in the book),  that first presented me with the agonizing question of could I be wrong about GMOs?  I can’t pinpoint exactly when my come to Jesus moment arrived, only that I was never the same after I read that article [1].

Fourat Janabi
Fourat Janabi

Something very fundamental inside me shifted and it affected more than just my view of GMOs.  I was heading down the path of not trusting, even being fearful of western medicine and its pharmaceuticals, of all industrial food, largely based on what I was reading from Mercola, Dr. Oz, Health Ranger and similar people.  I was beginning to spend fifty bucks a month on nutrition supplements.  I’m not trying to be overly self-indulgent here, but I was really believing a load of crap.  The pharmaceutical and food industries are not perfect, of course, but they are not out to kill us either.

My blog, Sleuth4Health, is an honest testament to how a person can change.  Fourat Janabi’s collection of articles and essays may just make a few others question themselves as well.

Happy Holidays!

Julee K/Sleuth4Health


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[1] Read Science Is Laughing At Us, the first article on my blog after I began to realize I was wrong about GMOs and also included in Fourat’s collection.

4 responses to “New Free Ebook Talks Real Sense About GMOs – Great Stocking Stuffer!”

  1. This book is pretty sad, talking about science every other sentence when not a piece of long term evidence has been found. What’s even worse is that you guys aren’t looking deep enough.

    • The vast majority of public scientists (not even including the private ones) who are experts in this field, who eat, breathe, sleep plant genetics and crop breeding, who put in long hours in the lab every day… I think they would not only strongly disagree with you but be highly insulted. This is what they do. This is their job day in day out. They are in fact largely a benevolent bunch and are excited about helping, not poisoning, our planet! Contrary to popular belief they are not paid off by corporations or under gag orders. That is just complete absurdity.

      Please visit Click on the tab titled GENERA. There you will find hundreds of bona fide, peer reviewed studies, studies that are not discredited or found to be faulty, and and more appear on the site at regular intervals.

      You’re right about one thing though – not a piece of long term evidence has been found to implicate GMOs as being less safe than conventional. Not one. Correlation does not equal causation. This is a promising technology that can help us solve our ever more complicated food and crop issues on the planet. No one says it’s perfect or right for everything. What technology is? But it is worth exploring… as any technology is.

      I urge you to not fall for public opinion on this issue. Dig deeper. I did that and was absolutely surprised at what I learned.

      Thanks for stopping by.

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